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How Do I Make Myself Appealing To Colombian Girls?

man and woman under a flower tree
Here is how you improve yourself so you can woo Colombian girls.

Do you find it difficult figuring out what a woman wants?

Many males find it difficult to communicate with women because they often say stuff that doesn’t bother them but definitely upsets or embarrasses the girl. Not only that, but girls are notoriously difficult to please. Imagine trying to attract Colombian girls without having any idea what to say or what NOT to say.

This sounds like a recipe for disaster. What can you do to attract her?

They are things that YOU can control.

Here is what you can improve or do that will help you romance a Colombian lady:

You Have To Take The Lead

A leader is someone who gives verbal or nonverbal guidance and direction. It’s not about control. Women want to feel as if they are in the company of a leader, not a dictator. They need someone they can rely on to take the initiative.

Beautiful women admire men who know what they want to do and do it. Try to be someone they can look to when the going gets tough. This is how you should take the lead:

It will signal that you are invested in the relationship if you are comfortable wearing the pants in it. It demonstrates that you’re willing to go to any length to be with her.

Communicate Actively

You may believe you know how to communicate with women. But can you converse well with a Colombian woman?

Thankfully, conversing with Latinas isn’t difficult - except when you’re trying not to offend her family and her people. But that can be easily done as long as you aren’t being insensitive when speaking to her.

Communication is simply the interchange of needs, desires, and ideas, without getting too technical. It appears basic, easy, and uncomplicated at first glance, that is, until you put it into action. Colombians want someone who is self-assured and will approach them without making them wait.

So do just that. Approach the female you like when you meet Colombian women and strike up a conversation. You don’t have to be concerned about her liking you since if she answers, it’s a sure sign she does. Because they are the honest type, they are very forthright about whether or not they like someone.

Because it’s common knowledge that women speak more than men, consider listening more than speaking. It will get competitive if you try to talk over the ladies. They are hardwired to express themselves and communicate their opinions verbally. Also, be sure that what you say is relevant.

Be Family-Oriented

If you don’t respect family, you won’t get far with a Latina. Take note that many Latin countries prioritize family over all else. You’ll have to be kind to her family and treat them with respect, while still accepting the prospect of having your own family.

father and daughter smiling
Colombian women appreciate a man who is a good father to his children.

Being a man who wants a family of his own — or who is present with his children — greatly boosts your attractiveness.

Children are no longer as much of a deal breaker as they once were. If you have children, your chances aren’t necessarily bleak. If you’re a wonderful father and provider for your children, it demonstrates to her that you:

Being a family-oriented man also implies that she will see that you value her as your wife during chats and dating.

Have A Sense Of Humor

We aren’t talking about the type of humor that’s crass and insensitive, not even the kind that jokes about anything and everything. But a sense of humor that’s well timed.

Colombians enjoy having a good time and are occasionally thrill seekers. If you can’t be the thrill-seeking guy she wants, be the one who makes her laugh.

It’s a rare find to meet a man who enjoys a good laugh and can temper the gravity of serious topics with some humorous words. If you have a sense of humor, it will indicate to her that you will be the man who will make her smile even when things are difficult. You become a confidante she can rely on in any situation.

Be Adventurous And Spontaneous

When it comes to being spontaneous, have you ever considered surprising her with a present out of the blue just to witness her expression of surprise and delight? Have you ever fantasized about getting her a random arrangement of flowers? Do Colombian women like flowers? (Yes, they do.) You know what? Give her gifts Colombian women like!

Women admire a man who isn’t afraid to take risks. Men have been labeled as creatures of habit who prefer a set schedule. If you can throw a monkey wrench in that perception, your beauty will soar to new heights.

This sense of adventure can be seen by:

couple dancing in the street
If you want to attract a Colombian lady, try to be spontaneous.

The bottom line is no one wants to be committed to falling into a rut. Being adventurous or spontaneous and adopting a perspective that enjoys trying new things from time to time will do wonders for men trying to catch a woman’s interest.

Or Just Be A Decent Man With Good Hygiene

It doesn’t matter if you’re a risk-taker, a family man, or a leader. If your personality and sense of hygiene are trash, you’re doomed from the start. If you appear like a bedraggled tramp who refuses to take proper care of himself, Colombian girls — nay, ANY girl — will not even glance at you twice.

Also, be a gentleman. It never fails to work and is also a good practice to be a decent human. Don’t just be a good person to a girl you like. Be a good person in general.