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Colombian Traditions: What Makes a Cartagena Bride Unique?

A happy client enjoying the social with Colombian brides
Cartagena DatingLearn the qualities Latinas possess and discover the reasons why they make the best wives in the world.

While some women of young age are busy building up their career, these Colombian brides are so different. They value the meaning of marriage and are here on our site to find their best match. They also uphold the true essence of being a woman in this world --- to bear children. Due to Colombia culture and traditions, these women are brought up in a traditional way where family and marriage are given huge importance. Cartagena women are earnest in finding a man who’s willing to tie a knot and start a family.

Some people may say that interracial marriage won’t work because of many reasons: cultural gaps, language barrier, parenting styles and the like. Well, these women will prove that such marriage can be prosperous and successful too.

As you browse our site, you will find successful testimonies of interracial couples. There are several reasons why marrying a Colombian woman can be interesting and exciting. You will be part of a culture peculiar to you. You’ll also discover a set of traditions that are new to you and a lot more. Isn’t it interesting?

Cartagena women are among the most sought-after brides worldwide. They have exceptional qualities that make them the best wives! If you are interested in knowing these ladies more, sign up on our site and meet them for marriage.

Fascinating Traits of Women in Cartagena

Two gorgeous Cartagena women
Cartagena DatingKnow what makes these women fascinating to foreign men.

Below are qualities of Cartagena women:

Cartagena Brides vs Western Brides

Compared to Western brides, one can indeed say that Colombian brides are extraordinary. As part of the Colombian culture, these women have marriage and family in mind while western brides are more into pursuing career. Cartagena women even reject the idea of divorce because they believe that once you are married, you must stay married for always with the same man you promised forever with.

Despite the rain and storms that will come your way, expect that a Colombian lady will stick with you no matter what. They won’t give up on you easily. Instead, they will find more reasons to love you if you stay true to her. Western women embrace independence while Colombian brides embrace commitment, marriage, and family.

Colombian Women Wedding Traditions

In pursuing and marrying a woman from Colombia, understanding Colombian culture will greatly help. Through it, you will know more about single Cartagena women. You’ll also discover ideas of how you are going to woo them.

In learning about Colombian traditions, you will come across wedding traditions that they practice which is an advantage to you if you want to tie a knot with a Colombiana. So, what are these wedding traditions that Colombian people are proud of? Here are some:

Unlike most western weddings which have bridesmaids and groomsmen, Colombian wedding only has a godfather and a godmother. Their godparents will help them with their marriage life and will also look after them.

Before the wedding proper, the groom usually visits his bride in her home and serenades her. Afterwards, they will have the Las Arras where the bride and groom exchange 13 gold coins as a symbol of “what’s mine is yours”.

Colombian people celebrate wedding merrily, which usually takes two or more days. There are a series of rituals done to wish the couple goodness throughout their married life. During a Colombian wedding, a lot of fun games, dancing, and drinking are expected as well.

Tying a knot with a Colombiana is exciting and memorable. Are you ready to experience these? If so, don’t delay! Sign up now and join our singles’ tours to Cartagena to finally connect with your future bride!