A lot of single men aim to get the attention of Colombian women. If you dream of getting noticed by women from Colombia, what would you do to make it happen? Well, everything would start in you. No trickery involved. Before getting the attention of these women, you have to develop yourself into an attention-worthy man. Here are the steps:
Some men do not take this seriously. But you should know that one way to get noticed by women is to develop yourself into someone worthy of attention. Women may find personality more important, but it can not be denied that looks also matter. Here are some things you should focus on:
Give yourself some exercise.
A few minutes a day will do. Make sure not to miss a day. Wherever you are, always find time to exercise. If you are at work and you can access the stairs, forget the elevator. Choose walking over commute or even over your car if you can. If you think you need something more intense, you can hit the gym.
Choose the right outfit.
We all have go-to clothes. These are the ones that can give us comfort whatever we do and wherever we go. But are these clothes noticeable by women?
When you are aiming to find a potential match, you have to remember this: dress to impress. But this does not necessarily involve wearing a suit all the time. You just have to choose the right clothes for you when you meet Colombian women.
Know your fit. No matter how good the clothes are and no matter the brand, if they don’t fit you, they won’t make you look attractive. You can buy new ones that fit you perfectly, or if you already have good clothes but don’t fit you well, just have them adjusted.
In a crowd wearing denims, chinos and slacks stand out. Find the right pair of shoes and shirt to pair them with.
You do not have to study how to play with colors. You can always go with black, brown, and neutral hues. Also, make sure you have at least one suit. You wouldn’t know when you need it.
Watch what you eat.
Not all delicious food are healthy. What you eat may affect your health, which can affect how you look. Taking care of your health means you can take care of yourself, which is a good trait when finding a potential match.
Being better does not have to be a drastic change. Tiny steps can make a difference when you do it every day.
No matter how good you look, if you have unpleasant manners, women will not be attracted to you. In order for them to notice you, you have to be mindful of your actions and responses and remember the following:
Act your age.
Are you in your 30s? 40s? Then act like it. You can be funny, if that is what you really are, but be sensitive. Offensive jokes are never attractive.
Handle your emotions.
We are humans. It is okay to be vulnerable. But if you are on the verge of breaking down and in the moment of talking with a woman, learn how to handle your emotions. Showing her how you deal with life is admirable.
Treat her well.
Once she gives you her number, respect that. Use it for reaching out to her to have meaningful conversations.
When you are together, keep the chivalry alive. Open doors for her, offer to bring her bag or coat, walk or drive her home, get the cheque—all that jazz.
You also have to study about the Colombian culture for you to understand the important dos and don’ts in Colombian dating culture.
Confidence is sexy. But some men are just really shy, which hinders them from getting the attention of women. If you have good looks and have wits but do not have the guts, how do you step up the game?
Understand the dos and don’ts of body language:
Do mind your posture. Holding yourself upright is a sign of confidence.
Do let the woman feel comfortable with your presence by moving and speaking slowly.
Do not break eye contact. This can make you look like you are not nervous, even if you are, and you are not afraid.
Do not show submissive and apologetic body language. This just means that you are desperate for her approval.
Be decisive.
Being decisive means clearly knowing what you want. That also means you are secure. Women get attracted to men who know what they want and who are secure with themselves.
Ask her out.
This is the ultimate question when you meet someone you like. If the conversation is going well and you feel like you two really have a connection, then ask her out. Make plans, mention some tourist destinations in Colombia (this gesture will impress her because you have done your research), and get her approval.
If you get a woman’s attention, you have to keep it going of course. And doing so is through engaging communication. Keep the moment alive by improving your skills in communication.
Prepare what to say ahead.
Think about the possible topics and situations when you meet a woman. Come up with questions, and mentally rehearse the answers. Avoid using pickup lines. Casual questions like “Are you from around here?” are good conversation starters. A question like this can also help you determine if she is friendly or not depending on her answer.
Do something about awkward silences.
Do not let your insecurities get the best of you. You may think you need to impress her, but you ran out of things to say. Now, awkward silence has enveloped the room. When that happens, take her with you and leave that room. Walk around. Find something interesting in different places. Maybe you know a story about that street or that building. Do something cool and casual to avoid the awkward situation.
Maintain good eye contact.
Eye contact is a sign that you are interested in the person. When you are across the room and you see that beautiful lady, look at her in the eye and observe her response. A smile or not breaking eye contact for more than a second are hints that she is interested and you can walk up to her.
Looking at her eyes while you are talking, aside from being polite, is a sign that you are genuinely interested in what she is saying. This also displays confidence. If you are not used to it, just remember the 50/70 rule: look at her 50% of the time while talking, and when listening, keep eye contact for 70%. Let it linger for at least five seconds.
Through eye contact you can establish a connection. Also, you can see emotions through the eyes even when she is not saying something. Noticing these emotions can be a good thing when trying to date women.
Meeting women would not be that hard if you have a plan. Follow these steps to find a match among the single women in Colombia.